Patrick Gundlach wrote:
Of course, Patrick could keep on using PNG transparancy with a "IE renders this page badly, please upgrade to a decent browser" remark in the side bar. I certainly wouldn't mind, but I'm not sure how many of the reader potential of the wiki are IE based.
A very dirty trick (and expensive as well, not worth the effort in my opinion) would be to render both pictures and show the opaque one if IE is detected.
I don't like this kind of user education. Even though I fully agree that IE is stupid most of the time, I try to be > 98% compatible with the users' browsers. My highly inaccurate statistic says that 15% use IE.
15??? Forget the Linux users + Programmers (which often coincide with the first group) + universities and calculate the average again. I haven't seen any computer yet from people outside the "informatics" with a "decent browser" installed. It's true that they are mostly not interested in ConTeXt, but who knows ... I just came from a summer school with "bioinformatics" being one of the topics covered (and also present in the title). The computers used there were enviably well configured/protected, but ... no decent browser and no way to install one. And, Taco, thanks for info. I never use gif (I'm not good in making animations and don't have proper tools anyway), I even (mis)use png for storing photos; I just see people using gif for photos and jpg for two-color logos. Mojca