Hi, Inclusion of gif images from the web does not work. For example: \starttext \externalfigure[http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Sunflower_as_gif_websafe....] \stoptext It is a rather strange bug. In grph-inc.lua we have local newbase = file.addsuffix(newbase,newformat) local newname = file.join(newpath,newbase) Now, since the webaddress has a dot, newbase has a dot. file.addsuffix does not change the suffix if a file already has a suffix (and does not give any warning about it!). So, newname does not end with .pdf, and therefore gm convert long-path.gif long-path does not convert to pdf--the resultant file is a gif file. Hence, direct inclusion of that file fails. A simple fix is to change the addsuffix line to: newbase = newbase .. "." .. newformat Aditya