On Fri, 9 Mar 2007, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Fri, 9 Mar 2007, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
I have something for (most probably) Hans/Taco/Aditya to resolve:
\enableregime[utf-8] \starttext \startformula\startalign \NC a \NC = b \NR \startintertext Še četrta možnost % For those with problems with encoding, \ccaron should be enough to reproduce the bug. \stopintertext \NC c \NC = d \NR \stopalign\stopformula \stoptext
Hmm... strange. Basically, this boils down to
\enableregime[utf-8] \starttext \startformula\startalign \NC a \NC = b \NR \noalign{\vbox{\noindent \normal %Try with and without normal Še četrta možnost \par}} \NC c \NC = d \NR \stopalign\stopformula \stoptext
So, for the time being add \normal inside \startintertext. I do not understand the cause, so I do not know if normal should be part of the definition of \dointertext, or if there is a bigger problem.
I noticed that in TeXBook, Knuth does not use \vbox for intertext (example on page 193). I changed the definition of \dointertext and removed the vbox, and everything works fine. \unexpanded\def\dointertext#1% {\penalty\postdisplaypenalty \afterdisplayspace {\forgetall\noindent#1\par}% \penalty\predisplaypenalty \beforedisplayspace} This works correctly. THe present definition is a sanitized version of \intertext defined in amsmath, so the question is why do they use \vbox in the definition of \inertext, and is it really needed? That is beyond my understanding of TeX. Aditya