Le Wed, 30 May 2007 08:26:09 -0400, Sanjoy Mahajan a écrit:
I just updated the Ubuntu edgy backports of the texlive packages (for i386) and have been running them on my feisty laptop for half a day. The 'context' package provides version 2007.04.17 12:51.
They are recompilations of the latest Ubuntu gutsy (7.10) packages, which are Norbert's latest Debian packages with a couple additions. Let me know if you have problems.
To use the packages, add these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list :
deb http://web.mit.edu/download/sanjoy/texlive-backports/ edgy/ deb-src http://web.mit.edu/download/sanjoy/texlive-backports/ edgy/
apt-get update apt-get install cm-super texlive-fonts-recommended \ context context-nonfree context-doc-nonfree
('cm-super comes from the universe repositories)
Sorry, no dapper (6.06) backports yet! A few tricky package-version obstacles remain.
Hi Sanjoy, Morning tests of your new packages are OK for me. Thanks. Can you give the location of you key so one can authenticate packages and be able to upgrade via the automatic/regular/graphic ubuntu way and not thru the shell. Thanks again