Dear friends,
I am currently investing a bit of time to packages the (not anymore so)
new lmodern 1.106 fonts for Debian (experimental).
Since up to now we are shipping lmodern 1.010x I patched context so that
it uses the old font names.
So now there are new context and lmodern packages for testing. Mind that
they probably wont be the final ones, but if you can give them some
testing that would be great:
deb http://people.debian.org/~preining/TeX/ next/
deb-src http://people.debian.org/~preining/TeX/ next/
as usual signed with my key.
Feedback on the functionality, not only with context, but also with the
rest of the TeX Live 2007 packages in Debian, would be great!!!
Thanks a lot and all the best
Dr. Norbert Preining