On Mon, 17 Jul 2006, Hans Hagen wrote:
Bruce H. Wagner wrote:
Incidentally, the reason I am using the LaTeX syntax is that we are translating LaTeX code into Context automatically using a perl script, and it's therefore much easier to stick to whatever LaTeX code works. Basically, I just want something comparable to the array environment in LaTeX, which works very nicely.
Aditya is in more or less charge of the specification/tryout part of the math extensions and taco/myself implement things based on that input, so i suggest that the two of you come up with specs
Hans and Taco, I have been using Taco's mathfix for some time now and have not encountered any problem. Taco had implemented two of my requests i) style=\textstyle or \displaystyle for matrix and ii) location=top|bottom for matrix. I think that these can be added to the core. However, I am not sure about the notation. I had requested for location=top|bottom (thinking in Latex terms) but I now think that the Context way to name it is low|high. Taco had also provided a bugfix for breaking multiline formula across pages. There are some minor glitches with it. Taco, do you have time to look into those? Aditya