Mojca Miklavec wrote:
On 7/19/06, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
None of the extensible arrows work with antykwa-torunska as \relbar is not of fixed width in that font. Are there any other free math fonts that I should check?
To Taco: Polish guys are open to suggestions. Could you explain them what exactly is needed? I'm sure that they will add that to their font(s).
I am yet undecided what the best solution would be. There are basically two options: <head><leaders stem><tail> and <head><stem streched using CM><tail> The first case works always (and is the approach used by the cow font) but this looks sub-optimal for fonts like torunska, the second one only works if the CM can be adjusted but will generally look better. I would like to know how many backends cannot do the stretching. Both solutions need special characters in the font, but the first solution needs slightly different ones than the second one. Cheers, Taco