On Sat, 02 Oct 2004 20:46:38 +0200
h h extern
ok, i made the font a bit smaller now; i tested on a high res screen; i didn't want too wide lines, but i found out that setting
max-width: 60em
works quite well (prevents too wide lines on a 1600x1200 full screen)
looks much better now.
i'm thinking about an article for the maps about css versus tex -) interestingly th eeasierst thing, i.e. getting the page dimensions right, is the one bugged most; safari [kde based] is the worst
safari's engine originally tried to mimic all quirks from IE 4, 5 and 5.5 as well as NS 4.7x. So much so, that I still use kde's konqueror to browse old IE-only sites: it's the only browser I have that displays those pages reasonably. But it is steadily moving towards standards (which actually makes it less usable for me), so newer version may be better.
can you mirror this ok? (there is a wget.txt file as well)
No problem. Greetings, Taco