Am 24.10.2017 um 19:51 schrieb luigi scarso:
On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 7:42 PM, Pablo Rodriguez
wrote: On 10/24/2017 07:06 PM, luigi scarso wrote:
a pdf ? As said previously , including pdf can break the rules of format=PDF/A-3a. Simply include bitmap images, it's way more robust.
Allow me a fair and respectful disagreement, Luigi.
Bitmap images are less problematic in PDF/A because they include their own color space. This is why they work even with /S /GTS_PDFA3.
But replacing vectors with bitmaps is a way of avoiding the issue, not of fixing it (if this needs to be fixed). yes, it's a clean way to resolve a problem that could not be solvable. The point is that is more easy to make a correct pdf than fix an arbitrary pdf to make it conform to the document --- there are tools like pitstop for that.
I agree. Pitstop (Acrobat plugin) and PDFToolBox are the tools for such stuff. Analysing arbitrary PDF documents with successive color management is far beyond the scope of ConTeXt. Both mentioned prepress tools have free evaluation versions (at least at the time I tested them). If I remember right, Pitstop has build in such an option (change default CS for a complete document). Hope that helps, Peter