Hi, there is a problem with sansserif bold numbers and letter in math mode. In the following example the bold content does sometimes show up in normal weight (you have to do several runs to see it): \starttext $\ss 3a \bf 3a$ \stoptext The problem can be tracked down to the \math_set_font_style (I used the \setmathfontstyle user level command) command: \enabletrackers[math.remapping] \starttext 1: $\setmathattribute{ss}{bf}3$ 2: $\setmathattribute{ss}{bf}\setmathfontstylealterternate{bf}3$ 3: $\setmathattribute{ss}{bf}\setmathfontstyle{bf}3$ 4: $\setmathattribute{ss}{bf}\setmathfontstyle{bf}\setmathfontstylealterternate{bf}3$ 5: $\setmathattribute{ss}{bf}\setmathfontstylealterternate{tf}\setmathfontstyle{bf}\setmathfontstylealterternate{bf}3$ \stoptext Wolfgang