Hi all, I have just uploaded the archives for luatex 0.28.0, another intermediate release leading up to TUG 2008. This release matches SVN revision #1357. There is one new feature: There is now experimental support for non-trivial discretionaries following explicit hyphens. In analogy to \prehyphenchar and \posthyphenchar, there are two new parameters \preexhyphenchar en \postexhyphenchar. Both new parameters default to zero (nothing). When set to a nonzero value, the parameter is added to either the pre- or post- break text. Note that this is *in addition to* the hyphen already in the input. Testing and comments are very welcome. Here is a short example (no idea what is says): \pdfoutput=1 \hsize=2in \postexhyphenchar=`- Seria bom se eu pudesse t\^e-lo mantido como amigo, mas por mais bem-intencionado que eu fosse, n\~ao foi possivel \bye Bugs fixed compared to 0.27.0: * Words that started off with a character with a zero \lccode were never hyphenated at all. * There was a bug in the new active characters code that prevented the latex format from being built (with Invalid character error). * There is a temporary fix for the sometimes appearing "Font has a bad FontBB" message from Acrobat. * \leaders did not actually stretch enough (the last bit of glue that has to line up the line endings was never output to the PDF). * Bad paragraph-related callbacks could result in luatex crashing. * The pre_linebreak and post_linebreak filters were never called when \output was active (this was a leftover of a superceded optimization). * 'skipping' language codes when setting up \patterns c.s. did not work (it used the next empty slot instead of the actual value of \language). * Using multiple 'attr' keywords on box items could cause random crashes. * Calling lang.hyphenate() with one argument (without specifying a tail node) could crash. * The luatex pdf banner and version reporting is cleaned up a bit. * Conflicting patterns inside \patterns now give an error: ! Conflicting pattern ignored. (duplicate identical patterns are ignored without error). The archives (source and binaries) can be downloaded from supelec, as usual: http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/luatex/ Bugs and feature requests can be added to the issue tracker at http://tracker.luatex.org Have fun, Taco