On 4/22/06, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hi Hans,
I've created
but not all of it makes sense to me, this time.
oh, I forgot: unic-251.tex is called for but not in the zip
Taco: if we're talking about unicode: you have just missed my mail (I've put your email address into the subject line instead of putting it into the "cc" ;) In the unicode vectors there are characters like \unic@whatever, \UnicodeWhatever (for example in vector 37), ... I wanted to update this file: http://pub.mojca.org/tex/enco/contextlist/contextnames.txt, but I don't know which names would be better (it would be fine to have some sort of unified names). Hans suggested \ucWhatever since it's slightly shorter. Mojca