I just updated the Ubuntu edgy backports of the texlive packages (for i386) and have been running them on my feisty laptop for half a day. The 'context' package provides version 2007.04.17 12:51. They are recompilations of the latest Ubuntu gutsy (7.10) packages, which are Norbert's latest Debian packages with a couple additions. Let me know if you have problems. To use the packages, add these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list : deb http://web.mit.edu/download/sanjoy/texlive-backports/ edgy/ deb-src http://web.mit.edu/download/sanjoy/texlive-backports/ edgy/ Then apt-get update apt-get install cm-super texlive-fonts-recommended \ context context-nonfree context-doc-nonfree ('cm-super comes from the universe repositories) Sorry, no dapper (6.06) backports yet! A few tricky package-version obstacles remain. -Sanjoy