Just ignore this suggestion, it is superseded by the new beta
Fresh attempt with version 2008.05.26 23:27 beta. Previously I wiped all instances of luatex-cache from my machine. As last time I didn't set any TEXMFCACHE environment variable and also placed the following texmfcnf.lua into texmf/web2c: --- config = {} config.TEXMFCACHE = "/usr/local/context/2008-05-26-beta/texmf-cache" return config --- This time generating the file database works but uses the wrong cache location. Apparently texmfcnf.lua is read but ignored. Format generation appears to run without flaws but keeps using the wrong cache. Please find logs of stdout attached ... By the way, you seem to have removed the stub "context" in texmf-osx- intel/bin. Instead I tried to run a test file using bash# mtxrun --script context test.tex directly but I'm afraid neither context nor mtx-context.lua can be found. See also: --- bash# luatools --variables TEXMFCACHE=/usr/local/context/2008-05-26-beta/texmf-cache bash# luatools --expansions TEXMFCACHE=/usr/local/context/2008-05-26-beta/texmf-cache bash# luatools --configurations TEXMFCACHE /usr/texbin/luatools:6527: attempt to call field 'tabstr' (a nil value) bash# luatools --find-file mtx-context.lua --verbose LuaTools | version 1.2.0 - 2006+ - PRAGMA ADE / CONTEXT LuaTools | following symlink /usr/texbin to /usr/local/context/ 2008-05-26-beta/texmf-osx-intel/bin LuaTools | variable SELFAUTOLOC set to /usr/local/context/2008-05-26- beta/texmf-osx-intel/bin LuaTools | variable SELFAUTODIR set to /usr/local/context/2008-05-26- beta/texmf-osx-intel LuaTools | variable SELFAUTOPARENT set to /usr/local/context/ 2008-05-26-beta LuaTools | variable TEXMFCNF set to {$SELFAUTODIR,$SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/ share,}/texmf{-local,.local,}/web2c} LuaTools | loading configuration file /usr/local/context/2008-05-26- beta/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua LuaTools | skipping configuration for /usr/local/context/2008-05-26- beta/texmf/web2c from /var/folders/d5/d5kShiN8Gla+FttIH2Kn4E+++TM/- Tmp-/luatex-cache/context/58e4229c51dae5be777b612e0e33b14d/trees/ 1e8cc3698917bc12bbc65c986d1f6576 LuaTools | LuaTools | LuaTools | runtime: 0.009 seconds --- Note that while file database and format generation were run as root the latter commands were called as a normal user. It that makes a difference. Oliver