Adam Lindsay said this at Mon, 22 Aug 2005 00:59:30 +0100:
So with that in mind, I present euro-letters: http://homepage.mac.com/atl/tex/euro-letter.pdf http://homepage.mac.com/atl/tex/euro-letter.zip
Okay, I did some further tests, and noticed that the following should be added to enco-cas: \defineULcharacter Ccedilla ccedilla \defineULcharacter Gcedilla gcedilla \defineULcharacter Scommaaccent scommaaccent \defineULcharacter Tcommaaccent tcommaaccent \defineULcharacter Thorn thorn \defineULcharacter Eth eth \defineULcharacter Lslash lslash \defineULcharacter Ntilde ntilde \defineULcharacter Yacute yacute \defineULcharacter Ygrave ygrave Here's one for the TeXperts: do I need to move things around so that there's no letter in slot 0? I just got reminded of the \lccode rules thanks to Lars's posting on the .etx format. Also, is an endash more desirable in slot 32 than the current quotesinglebase? adam (example test) \WORD{\Abreve \Gbreve \Aogonek \Eogonek \Iogonek \Uogonek \Ccedilla \Scedilla \Gcedilla \Kcedilla \Lcedilla \Ncedilla \Rcedilla \Scommaaccent \Tcommaaccent \Idotaccent} -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. atl@comp.lancs.ac.uk Lancaster University, InfoLab21 +44(0)1524/510.514 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-