Måndag 05 februar 2007 01:41 skreiv Mojca Miklavec:
Naturally, only the Babel maintainers can change Babel. All I can suggest filing a report in the latex bug database. Although quick action is unlikely, at least that way it can be considered. Presumably the bokmal name could become the canonical one, and Norwegian+norsk just left as aliases for compatibility.
Yes, that sounds like a good solution.
Would it be possible to have two different hyphenation dictionaries for 'nb' and 'nn', which would only differ in the hyphenation exceptions used for these two words?
Anything is possible. Maybe a good approach would be to create nbhyph.tex and nnhyph.tex, which \input nohyphbx.tex and then add the necessary exceptions. Then I can make languages nb and nn in TL which \input the new files.
Can you upload a new package to CTAN with those files?
Will do. I have contacted the author of the nohyphbx.tex hyphenation patterns to hear if he has any comments (or objections!). If everything works out all right, I will upload the new files to CTAN in the not to distant future. -- Karl Ove Hufthammer E-mail and Jabber: karl@huftis.org