Geert Stappers wrote:
so, best is to create an entry in the wiki on the third party page and then announce it; after that people from the dev team will pick it up and check the file for (for instance) low level dependencies and such
I created an account as hansm on the ContextGardenWiki and have uploaded file cdcase.tex. Probably that is the correct procedure?
(I am speaking for Patrick now, who seems to be otherwise occupied at the moment.) The 'third party modules' (http://modules.contextgarden.net ) is a part of the contextgarden collection, but not part of the wiki as such (there are a number of services running at contextgarden.net, and the wiki is just the most visible of them. AFAIK, the modules section is still missing a nice upload/submit form, so the way to get something up there is to ask Patrick in person (by email or on this list). I think i remember plans for a more automated system a la the CTAN upload form, but have not heard anything more about that in a while. Cheers, Taco