Hans Hagen wrote:
Oliver Buerschaper wrote:
Obviously, the problem is the symbolic link because LuaTeX tries and finds argv[0] in $PATH but doesn't resolve /usr/texbin to its actual location on disk. It's clear that in this situation there can't be any difference between the distribution-independent syntax of calling luatex and the direct invocation.
Do you think LuaTeX's path discovery mechanism could be adapted to handle symbolic links?
there is lfs.symlinkattributes but i'm somewhat reluctant to usinmg platform specific things; if i have time i'll see if this function returns something useful
No need, here is function that works and is portable to all platforms: function input.getownpath() local olddir = lfs.currentdir() if not input.ownpath then for p in string.gmatch(os.getenv("PATH"),"[^"..io.pathseparator.."]+") do lfs.chdir(p) p = lfs.currentdir() local b = file.join(p,input.ownbin) if lfs.isfile(b..".exe") or lfs.isfile(b) then input.ownpath = p break end end if not input.ownpath then input.ownpath = '.' end end lfs.chdir(olddir) return input.ownpath end Oliver, I have emailed you a patched version of luatools.lua. Can you try to make sure that it works for you as well? (It should, but ...) Best wishes, Taco