On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 7:42 PM, Pablo Rodriguez
On 10/24/2017 07:06 PM, luigi scarso wrote:
a pdf ? As said previously , including pdf can break the rules of format=PDF/A-3a. Simply include bitmap images, it's way more robust.
Allow me a fair and respectful disagreement, Luigi.
Bitmap images are less problematic in PDF/A because they include their own color space. This is why they work even with /S /GTS_PDFA3.
But replacing vectors with bitmaps is a way of avoiding the issue, not of fixing it (if this needs to be fixed). yes, it's a clean way to resolve a problem that could not be solvable. The point is that is more easy to make a correct pdf than fix an arbitrary pdf to make it conform to the document --- there are tools like pitstop for that.
-- luigi