On Sat, Oct 02, 2004 at 08:32:56PM +0200, h h extern wrote:
Siep Kroonenberg wrote:
1. What about just using relative font sizes?
i tested al these things with different browsers; in only use three sizes (in px measures since they are supposed to be treated assuming 96 dpi; which seems t be true for all browsers i tested); using a % would be nice, but each browser has a different opinion on how to deal with % at what level of <div>; actually, i'm really surprised that so many sites work at all (probably because of of dirty tricks or javascript based css]; safari was the worst: the navigation ended up way off screen ; i now use a system of more or less fixed sized combined with misusing padding/margins as compensation jumps
[i spent a whole week playing with css and margins and percentages and ... what a mess; search the web for vertical alignment in css and you get pretty depressed]
i now made the fonts a bit smaller (tuned for 1024x768; i was testing on 1600x1200; i keep playing with a way to find a good base size [window size dependent] and start from that;
These new sizes look more reasonable.
2. The site relies rather heavily on color for subdividing the page. FireFox and other browsers have an option to enforce the user's choice of colors. The page design doesn't hold up too well with that option enabled.
hm, i need to look into that; but isn't user defined coloring going to spoil about every site that uses colors?
Fact is, any time I visit a site with awkward colors I configure my browser to use my own colors, and don't bother to change this setting back until I am forced to. As long as I can decypher the content I am happy. But in this case, the difference in fontsize already helps to offset the main area and therefore clarifies the layout.
i will probably use different color combinations every few months -)
[i now understand why some sites, like fontshop.be prefers macro media based sites, it gives more control and is browser independent]
Not browser independent; as far as I know, there is no flash plugin for non-Intel Linux. Besides, some browsers are configured not to allow flash or javascript or whatever even when available; the less content needs to be processed, the faster the browsing. Also, the reader may like some control over presentation: some people like their browser to leave some screen space for other windows and therefore want everything as small as possible; some people have poor eyesight and want large font sizes.
-- Siep Kroonenberg