Am 09.06.2009 um 09:13 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Hi Hans,
I run with my simplefonts module in two problems when I try to set the bodyfont, the regard math and fallback fonts and I was only to solve them by redefining of a few values.
1. I have to set the bodyfont at the same time when I set a individual font for serif, sans or mono. This works fine for the the three text style but not when I try to switch to a different math font, which is frozen with the first \setupbodyfont command and can only be changed when I the main fontclass (created with \registerfontclass in \definetypeface) and the style value for rm (I need the 'rm' style to allow e.g. ss as document style).
Small correction, I have to undefine the currently used style, i.e. in my example below I have to reset the sans serif style, not the serif one.
Here is a example to illustrate the problem:
\definetypeface[mainface][ss][sans][helvetica][default] \definetypeface[mainface][tt][mono][courier][default]
% comment/uncomment the following two lines to see how % the math font changes with/without these redefinitions
\letvalueempty{@@tfmainfacedefault}% \undefinevalue{@f@st@rm}%
%\letvalueempty{@@tfmainfacedefault}% %\undefinevalue{@f@st@rm}% %\setupbodyfont[mainface,ss,12pt]
\rmtf regular \it italic \bf bold \bi bolditalic
\sstf regular \it italic \bf bold \bi bolditalic
\tttf regular \it italic \bf bold \bi bolditalic
$$ c^2 = a^2 + b^2 $$
2. The fallback for the main style (i.e. \rmtf) is frozen too with the first \setupbodyfont line in the document with can be only reset when I undefine \newfontidentifier, a example for this is:
\starttypescript [serif] [mainfont] \setups[font:fallback:serif] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [name:texgyrepagellaregular] [fallbacks=mainfont,features=default] \stoptypescript
\definetypeface [mainfont] [rm] [serif] [mainfont] [default]
\definefontfallback [mainfont] [name:texgyretermesregular] [0x0065-0x0070] [force=yes]
% The following line is necessary to enable the fallback font for the main % style after the bodyfont is set, if this isn't done the complete text % below is typeset in Pagella whereas e-p should be in Times
\undefinevalue\newfontidentifier \setupbodyfont[mainfont,rm]
I would prefer something documented (e.g. \setupbodyfont[reload,...]) which can be used to get the same effect as I did with my hacks because I like now my new font module, it's lot easier than direct method to set fallback fonts.
TIA Wolfgang