Aditya Mahajan submitted an update to the vim syntax highlighting package. Version number: 2020.06.29 License type: BSD License (simplified) Wants to be in ConTeXt distribution: yes Wants to be synced with CTAN: yes Summary description: This module uses Vim editor's syntax files to syntax highlight verbatim code in ConTeXt Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a major release that adds support for XML export. Many thanks to Christoph Hintermüller for the initial implementation and extensive brainstorming and testing. When export is enabled, e.g., using \setupbackend[export=yes] then \definevimtyping[CODE][syntax=..., alternative=colorscheme] \startCODE ... \stopextCODE is exported as <vimtyping detail="colorscheme"> ... </vimtyping> And, \inlineCODE{...} is exported as <inlinevimtyping detail="colorscheme">...</inlinevimtyping> Each line is wrapped inside a `<verbatimline>...</verbatimline>` and each syntax group is wrapped inside `<syntaxgroup detail="vim....">...</syntaxgroup>`. See the updated documentation for details. The module ships with a default CSS file which can be included as \setupexport[cssfile=\vimtypingcssfile] This CSS file tries to mimic the default PDF output. If you want to tweak the output then it is recommended that you copy the default CSS file and modify it as appropriate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------