Dear Hans, dear Taco, dear all,
we got a bug report on Debian after shipping context 2007.12.18 wrt
supp-pdf.tex, including .mp does not work anymore ...
----- Forwarded message from Dylan Thurston
[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).] ) [MP to PDF] (./test-0.mps ! Undefined control sequence. \doflushMPtext #1->\edef \!!stringa {#1}\@EA \dodoflushMPtext \!!stringa \re... l.16 (Test) cmr10 9.96265 fshow
Minimal test files are:
----- test.tex ------
----- test.mp -------
draw (0,0)--(1cm,1cm);
label.lft("Test", (0,0));
The error didn't occur with the supp-pdf.tex from context 2007.09.28.
I checked the two supp-pdf.tex codes and there are quite a lot of
differences. Is this a know problem and how should it be fixed?
Thanks a lot, all the best, and merry christmas
Dr. Norbert Preining