On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Taco Hoekwater
I think this will be a wasted effort. I predict that any future version of context that will be able to do syntax checking is going to be based on lua for the verification process, not tex macros.
There is already an example implementation of comments reading. http://gitorious.org/context/context/blobs/master/scripts/context/lua/mtx-mo... cd tex/context/base mtxrun --script modules --process page-txt.mkiv see the resulting page-txt-mkiv.ted and page-txt-mkiv.pdf files.
Possibly the internal structure could also be read in from structured comments in the actual source files as opposed to the current external xml files (not a bad idea as it increased the chance of everything staying up-to-date).
So, reading of comments could be implemented based on this example.
But even in that case, those comments are much more likely to be lua or compressed ascii code than actual tex syntax because interpretation will be done mostly by lua code.
What do you mean by saying "to be lua or compressed ascii code"? I can't imagine how it may look like, as I am new to the lua. Could you, please, give an example? I will try to code a rough draft, but at first it needs to be decided what syntax we will use for these comments. Regards, Marius