Hans, Can you cook up something along the lines of fakeformula for math alignments. I need a few variations to show different math alignment features. I am using a rather verbose naming scheme and syntax to convey the idea. 1. fakemathalignment \fakemathalignment[alternative=a,lines=2] %Maybe random number of lines should give \NC XX \NC = random number XX + XX \NR[+] \NC XX \NC = random number XX + XX \NR[+] where XX is a \fakerule of random width. \fakemathalignment[alternative=b,lines=2] should give \NC XX \NC = random number of XX + XX \NC XX = random number of XX + XX \NR[+] \NC XX \NC = random number of XX + XX \NC XX = random number of XX + XX \NR[+] that is two blocks (maybe keep the number of blocks configurable). 2. fakemathlinearequations \fakemathlinearequations[columns=4,lines=2,alternative=a] should give \NC XX \NC + XX \NC + XX \NC = XX \NR[+] \NC XX \NC + XX \NC + XX \NC = XX \NR[+] \fakemathlinearequations[columns=4,lines=2,alternative=b] \NC XX \NC + \NC XX \NC + \NC XX \NC = \NC XX \NR[+] \NC XX \NC + \NC XX \NC + \NC XX \NC = \NC XX \NR[+] that is each operator should be in a column of its own. 3. fakemathsplitformula Another variation \fakemathsplitformula[lines=3] \NC XX \NC= random number of XX + XX \NR \NC \NC= random number of XX + XX \NR \NC \NC= random number of XX + XX \NR[+] \fakemathsplitformula[lines=3,alternative=b] should give \NC XX = \NC random number of XX + XX \NR \NC \NC + XX + XX \NR \NC \NC + XX + XX \NR[+] 4. fakemathmatrix [lines=3,columns=3] \NC XX \NC XX \NC XX \NR \NC XX \NC XX \NC XX \NR \NC XX \NC XX \NC XX \NR 5. fakemathcases[lines=3] \NC XX \NC XX XX (2-4 random XX) \NR \NC XX \NC XX XX (2-4 random XX) \NR These are all that I can think of at the moment :-) Thanks, Aditya