Hi all, I'm doing some stuff with verbatim text and LuaTex, and found the following problem: After context.starttyping(), a hash mark in the first position gets printed twice. A hash mark in any other position gets printed normally. This bug does not occur after tex.print("\\starttyping"), See the code below. Cheers, Sietse Brouwer \starttext \startluacode -- incorrectly prints two hash marks context.starttyping() tex.print("#") tex.print("\\stoptyping") -- correctly prints one hash mark context.starttyping() tex.print("asdf") tex.print("#") tex.print("\\stoptyping") -- correctly prints one hash mark tex.print("\\starttyping") tex.print("#") tex.print("\\stoptyping") \stopluacode \stoptext -- Sietse Brouwer -- sbbrouwer@gmail.com -- +31 6 13.456.848 Verlengde Wassenaarseweg 4a -- 2342 BG Oegstgeest -- the Netherlands MSN: sietse@gawab.com -- ICQ: 341232104