Hello out there, I have installed the new wiki software. It is now mediawiki 1.5 for those who want to know. It is online for testing: http://newwiki.contextgarden.net/Main_Page and http://newsandbox.contextgarden.net/Main_Page Both are the same software version, so you can experiment on the sandbox. The database is the one from the main wiki from 2005-10-09 around 1am. If anybody believes that I should use another day of the database backup, please let me know. I'll check the two pages Brooks mentioned in another mail + the change to the 'Russian' page. All external links have 'rel="nofollow"' as an attribute, so there is no use to spam this wiki anymore (I guess that these people don't care if their work is useless). Please report any showstoppers/errors that you see. I will move the old wiki and sandbox tomorrow (after I wake up). You'll be able to access them at oldwiki.... and oldsandbox.... for some time. Current known issues: <cmd>....</cmd> does not work because I haven't updated the javascripts yet, sidebar does not look the same as in the old wiki. Upload not tested. Random page lists context release notes. And, of course, I would like to thank all active contributers and the spam fighters. Lets see what happens next. Patrick (now with grey hair because of the php caching engine)