Patrick Gundlach wrote:
btw., since you took ec as a starting point:
in ec, but not in dense
["grave", "acute", "circumflex", "tilde", "dieresis", "hungarumlaut", "ring", "caron", "breve", "macron", "dotaccent", "cedilla", "ogonek",
these are combinable accents
"guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright",
why are these out when their "double" companions are still in?
I've asked for the compound word marker to return, but: for proper URL names (almost) all of ascii is needed, including a number of the ones that were dropped already, like "percent", "plus" and "asciitilde". Adding all of those chars would revert the encoding back towards EC quite a bit, so maybe we'd better switch to texnansi for URLs anyway. That means cwm is not immediately needed, either
what a weird thing is this, anyway?
was needed for combinable accents
only relevant in special verbatims, as used by DEK. ;-)
"quotedbl", "numbersign", "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "asterisk", "plus", "less", "greater", "backslash", "asciicircum", "underscore", "braceleft", "bar", "braceright", "asciitilde",
ascii symbols
"Ng", "ng",
That's the letter Eng, used in sami (and in phonetics). Useless since the rest of the sami letters are not included.
"IJ", "ij",
Hey, That's dutch! :-) Officially it is a "digraph with casing hint" or so, and not really part of the alphabet. But otoh, we are supposed to type "IJsland" instead of "Ijsland" (iceland), and it is an official character in unicode.
wasn't this something technical?
to be replaced by "euro" ;-)
That is the "SS" right? Is was needed to make \uppercase{stra/e} work, but I doubt that is correct (because it really isn't a single character) Cheers, Taco