Hi Hans, the \structurevariable command which can be used the access the value in the headings don’t show any text because context looks into the wrong table. In strc-doc.lua something like this has to be changed (use the title data subtable): function sections.structuredata(depth,key,default,honorcatcodetable) -- todo: spec table and then also depth if depth then depth = levelmap[depth] or tonumber(depth) end if not depth or depth == 0 then depth = data.depth end local data = data.status[depth] -- local d = data local d = data.titledata … end Example: \setupheadertexts[chapter] \define[2]\ChapterCommand {\vbox\bgroup\starttabulate \NC Title \EQ \structurevariable{title} \NC\NR \NC Marking \EQ \structurevariable{marking} \NC\NR \stoptabulate\egroup} \setuphead[chapter][command=\ChapterCommand] \starttext \startchapter[title={Hello World},marking={A}] \starttabulate \NC Title \EQ \namedstructurevariable{chapter}{title} \NC\NR \NC Marking \EQ \namedstructurevariable{chapter}{marking} \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stopchapter \stoptext Wolfgang