The following typos in the LuaMetaTeX Manual are from an about one week old ConTeXt LMTX (http://www.pragma-ade.nl/install.htm). In the future I will be more timely, as stated in the previous mail. A problem of not having an official repository for LMTX is: If I see a typo or problem in a section that I already read in the past, then, without further lookup, I do not know whether it already is reported or not. If I had a clone of an official repository and the manual were build from that, including the continually rebased and not-yet published fixes, that problem would not exist. I will try to deal gracefully with that problem. Depending on the problem, time, and mood, I will check for duplicates, completely ignore the typo/problem, or report the same issue more than once. "have are" in "All options are accepted but only some have are understood by" Missing closing parenthesis in "LUAs tostring function (and string.format may return values in scientific notation" "This mainly means that lpeg.S cannot be used with UTF 8 characters encoded in more than two bytes": I do not know any details of LPeg. But from a glance I suspect that "more than two bytes" should be something like "more than one byte" in that sentence. "There are all kind of subtle differences in the implementation": "kind" instead of "kinds". "Of course, of you use low level features": "of" instead of "if". "more of less long term stable": "of" instead of "or". "In chapter 5 we discussed some new primitives, here we will cover most of the adapted ones.": This sentence appears in chapter 3. So either "5" is wrong, or "discussed" should be "discuss". "The documentation, which is actually comes". "See chapter ?? for many small changes related to paragraph building".