Hi, I am attaching myway on using matharrow. Are there any suggestions before I release it to public? I found some surprises while making this my way. 1. Somewhere along the line of development, \xrightarrow{text} changed to placing text at the bottom of the arrow (rather than the top as in amstex). This is not a bug, just something that works differently. Should this be changed? These arrow definitions are pretty new, so I do not think that a change at this stage will effect too many users. It may not be possible to change later for compatibility reasons. 2. Something goes wrong with palatino (used by mag-01). Have a look at the \xmapsto and \xrightleftharpoons and \xleftrightharpoons in the pdf. \xmapsto can be corrected by changing its defintion to \definematharrow [xmapsto] [3599] [\mapstofill] Basically, providing a bit more cusion on the left, so that the middle \relbar not overlap the \mapstochar. Should this definition go to math-ext.tex or to something specific to palatino. I have not tested with other fonts, but what is the general strategy when definitions differ for different fonts? I could not correct leftrightharpoons. Why does this not work? \definematharrow [xleftrightharpoons] [3395,3359] [\leftharpoonupfill,\rightharpoondownfill] \starttext \math{\xleftrightharpoons} \stoptext Aditya