... The reason is that the latest version of the t-simplefonts module (which is the one you obtained) makes use of ConTeXt kernel commands (\startprocesscommacommand) which seem to have only been introduced lately. In other words, the version I packaged into the experimental installer is too old for the current module. So not your fault.
Ok. So the point is that I should search for an older version of the t- simplefonts module which does not yet request this new and specific kernel command, right? (Or just skip the idea of trying to use Myriad Pro I assume)
Keep in mind though that this might happen frequently without warning since you're working with development code here. For the moment I'm merely trying to establish something along the lines of a nightly installer build ... since there's no regression test suite I can't even test whether anything works but the most basic features. Also, modules don't check for a minimum kernel version required :-(
Hmm, yep. Quite a fair warning. OK. I was so naïve, that it would be a breeze to add some modules simply by myself. My problem is really to detect whether it was my stupidity (in 99% the case) or if something else went wrong. I do read the ntg-context list and many remarks ("This is broken in MKIV", "Ah I see, just use this patch...") are quite kind of scary to me, since I would be completely lost applying such patches, snippets of code, etc. But overall, all the information and the help of the context lists is really extremly informative and helpful and I am learning lots of new things daily. But using fonts is beyond my horizon at the moment, unfortunately. Therefor I was keen on trying the simplefonts module. I will definitely look forward to your next version of the installer. many thanks again for all and regards Jörg