Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hi Hans,
There is an extra 'j' left in this line:
========================================= diff -r scripts/context/ruby/base/tex.rb 1125c1139 < system("xdv2pdf #{File.suffixed(jobname,'xdv')}") ---
system("xdv2pdf #{File.suffixed(jrawname,'xdv')}")
whow, you did some real close-reading
And is this right? It looks like you removed a bugfix or feature: =========================================== diff -r tex/context/base/core-not.tex 712,717c729,730 < \ifx\lastnotesymbol\relax < \unskip < \gotobox{\dodonotesymbol\currenttextreference}[#2]% < \else < \lastnotesymbol < \fi ---
\unskip \gotobox{\dodonotesymbol\currenttextreference}[#2]%
it was a bug (reported on th elist if i remember well); i admit that i could not figure out why the test was there (mayb eolder code) Hans