Hi, I have just uploaded luatex 0.31.2, in the ongoing attempt to fix build troubles. * I have now received succesful build reports from * linux on i386 * mingw32 (that is built by me) * freebsd on i386 * solaris on sparc * osx (intel & ppc) so it seems the source should be more or less ok now. Besides fixing building issues, this release has * A small fix for a crash that could happen when using external OCPs. * A fix in the format of fontforge.to_table output. (In 0.31.1 <font>.lookups was near-empty; the lookups were accidentally output as part of the gpos table). The archives (just binaries this time, hopefully there will be a source package later) can be downloaded from supelec as usual: http://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/luatex/ If you need the sources, please check out via anonymous svn: svn co svn://scm.foundry.supelec.fr/svn/luatex/tags/beta-0.31.2 Bugs and feature requests can be added to the issue tracker at http://tracker.luatex.org Have fun, Taco