On Sun, 14 May 2017 09:33:04 -0600, Hans Hagen
2. Modification: It appears that all command names that appear in slanted text are used to mention user-defined commands of a particular class, e.g.,
/\BACKGROUND/ - slanted text
which obviously names each of a class of commands defined by
\definebackground - regular text
Can a version of the auto-generation script be made that will generate a version setup-mkiv-strict-en.pdf that is restricted to mkiv commands explicitly defined in mkiv, excluding class commands or anything else represented in slanted text?
it's xml so one can benerate anything from the file (i was in the process of generating instances in the lua files for scintilla but (1) had to prepare for bachotex, (2) got back and ill, (3) need some motivation to pick up that thread)
Let's call commands like \BACKGROUND etc abstract commands; the rest are concrete. An abstract command constitutes the form of a concrete instance that is, e.g., defined by the user via a corresponding \define<instance>. [Are there other kinds of abstract command not involving some \define<instance>?] For text editors a generic list of all concrete mkiv commands is needed.
3. Although it is intuitive, a legend precisely explaining the semantics of the command list in setup.pdf would be useful. If there is already one available, could you point it out to me?
dunno, maybe somewhere on the wiki
The closest I could find is here: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command_Syntax but it does not contain a complete or precise legend. Such a thing would obviously be useful for users..
4. Would it be possible for the auto-generation to export the command list to a semi-formatted text file? Copying the text of setup-en.pdf to a text file gives usable results but a text file with some regular structure might be better.
one can (1) use some xml transformation or (2) use the lua tables to get strings
The lua tables in the scite distribution are incomplete. For example, in scite-context-data-interfaces.lua there is no mention of the commands for natural tables - \bTABLE etc. This is the reason for taking the auto-generation approach, to get a comprehensive and complete list. Idris -- Idris Samawi Hamid, Professor Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80512