Could you replace line 1210 in cont-int.tex:
I'm sorry, the hyperlink doesn't work with my previous fix. I don't understand well the meaning of the arguments. This fix seems to work so far: {\ignorespaces\linklisttoelement{#3}{#4}{#7}{\box0}\unskip}\\} Values of the arguments in the \dodomenulistelement macro (line 1199): #1: "bottom" #2: "chapter" #3: chapter number #4: same as #3 (?) #5: chapter title #6: long ref string like those in jobname.tui/tuo #7: page number According to the definition of \linklisttoelement from core-lst.tex, the second argument is not used: \def\linklisttoelement#1#2#3#4% % list location format page data {\gotonextinternal\currentlist{#1}{#3}{#4}} I'm sorry I can't debug further without a clue about the arguments. David