On 29 Sep 2015, at 10:22, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 9/24/2015 1:19 PM, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
I was writing up my pdf bookmarks article. Two remarks:
1. (for Hans)
“With a long heading in a huge font, you might want to add linebreaks by hand. No problem, just use \\. The bookmark code ignores \\, so the bookmark itself won't have a linebreak.”
That is not actually true at the moment. Somehow the \\ got converted into a single \, instead of an empty space.
\appendtoks \let\\\space \to \simplifiedcommands
fixed it, but it would be nice if that was corrected inside ConTeXt…
i've added in typo-wrp.mkiv:
\appendtoks \let\spac_crlf\space \to \everysimplifycommands
Dat zit nog niet in de laatste beta he? (als wel, dan werkt het niet) Groetjes, Taco