Am 30.03.2015 um 21:39 schrieb Hans Hagen
: On 3/30/2015 5:07 PM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Hi Hans,
the \MPr gives an empty string when the page and paper size are the same.
The first papersize setups gives the wrong output while the second setup with different sizes gives the right output.
\setuppapersize[A6][A6] % wrong.pdf %\setuppapersize[A6][A5] % right.pdf
\startlines[style=mono] X: \MPx{testposition} Y: \MPy{testposition} R: \MPr{testposition} \stoplines
this is because the page region is only used fpr special pusposed and only flushed when a page is mapped onto a larger papersize
anyway, as you seem to need it i'll make a virtual region out of it
The \MPr value is needed for the layer mechanism when you use “position=yes”. \definelayer[mylayer] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=mylayer] \starttext a \setlayer[mylayer][position=yes]{b} c \stoptext Wolfgang