============================================================== LuaTeX Release 1.0.3 was released 2017021514 ============================================================== This is a minor upgrade and probably this version will go on texlive. There are a couple of fixes and additions. - We added a few a few more helpers in the pdf namespace (like set|get]gentounicode, [set|get]omitcidset and set|get]decimaldigits. Some helpers were moved from the tex to the pdf namespace. - We added a build_page_insert callback for inserts so that one can for instance adapt spacing on demand. - On the agenda has been some more control over word start and end in hyphenation and this is now possible via hyphenationbounds. We also updated the manual with some more details. - An old tracker item with respect to control over spacing around math was revived and has resulted in mathsurroundmode (one can wonder how useful this is). - We improved the resolution detection in included jpeg images. - An ffi library has been added to luatex so that it is more in sync with luajittex. This permits easy and flexible loading of libraries. Our policy is to make luatex as lean as possible with no dependencies and this is a step towards that. Eventually we hope to support all relevant platforms. - The glue and skip register accessors have been improved as a step in freeing the user from glue spec management. - We added a few more getters and setters for nodes in order to get a more consistent set. - Irrelevant fields have been removed from the status table and an engine identifier has been added. - Of course there are numerous fixes and improvements but none of these have consequences for the interfaces. - The manual has been updated but will be improved over time. Have fun, Hans, Luigi, Taco