Hi, in the following example the \note commands shows only unknown references. It has something to do with “location=text” because “location=page” or “location=column” have working references. \setupfootnotes[location=text] \starttext Second Note\note[footnote][2] First Note\note[footnote][1] \setnotetext[footnote][1]{Footnote 1} \setnotetext[footnote][2]{Footnote 2} Second Note\note[footnote][2] First Note\note[footnote][1] \placenotes[footnote] \stopfootnote I tried to find a fix for thus bug but wasn’t able to find a good solution. There is a little hack below which works (it is only used for “location=text” and “location=none”) but I guess there is a better solution. \unexpanded\setvalue{\??constructionnotehandler\v!notation:\v!note}% in the running text {\ifnotesenabled % do be done elsewhere % %let\currentnote\currentconstructionmain \let\currentnote\currentconstruction % else wrong inheritance % \iftrialtypesetting \strc_notes_inject_dummy \else \begingroup \edef\currentnotenumber{\ctxcommand{storenote("\currentnote",\currentconstructionlistentry)}}% \settrue\processingnote \ifconditional\c_strc_notes_skip \globallet\lastnotesymbol\strc_notes_inject_symbol + \ifconditional\c_strc_notes_delayed + \currentconstructionsynchronize + \fi \else \iftypesettinglines % otherwise problems with \type <crlf> {xxx} \ignorelines % makes footnotes work in \startlines ... \stoplines \fi \ifconditional\c_strc_notes_symbol \strc_notes_inject_symbol \else \unskip\unskip \globallet\lastnotesymbol\strc_notes_inject_symbol \fi \fi \ifconditional\postponingnotes % todo: per note class \global\settrue\postponednote \else\ifconditional\inlocalnotes % todo: per note class \global\settrue\postponednote \else \handlenoteinsert\currentnote\currentnotenumber % either an insert or just delayed \fi\fi \endgroup \fi \fi \ifconditional\c_strc_notes_skip \global\setfalse\c_strc_notes_skip \else \kern\notesignal\relax % \relax is needed to honor spaces \fi} Wolfgang