Hi Wolfgang, many thanks for the brilliant tips! Am 17.02.2010 um 23:18 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
\startsimplecolumns[n=2] \startitemize \item ... ...
Thanks. That's a smart workaround!
\startletter [subject=Verteiben der Position \quotation{nicht hier {\bf B11r} }, opening=Sehr geehrter Herr nicht Hier\textcomma, closing=Mit freundlichen Grüßen\crlf\crlf\crlf Jörg Hecke] \setupletterstyle[closing][inbetween={\blank[3*line]}] \startletter [subject={Vertreiben der Position \quotation{nicht hier {\bf B11r}}}, opening={Sehr geehrter Herr nicht Hier,}, closing={Mit freundlichen Grüßen}, signature={Jörg Hecke}]
Again: Wow.I did not know this. So many thinks to learn for me. I have a really nice nice cv and letter thanks to your help and great module. Regards Jörg