With the attached test file, which uses MPinclusions for a staticMPfigure, I get an "Isolated expression". I think it's a parser bug somewhere, because deleting almost any word in the file removes the error. The file itself looks a bit crazy. It is a minimal example generated by a program to help with debugging. The program randomly deletes a word in the file, then tests whether the error still happens. If yes, it deletes another word. If no, it restores the word, and tries again by choosing another word to delete. That process reduced the file from 4KB to 2KB. Here's the relevant piece of the transcript. The same error happens at live.contextgarden.net (so I don't think it's a Debian-specific issue). ! terminal: >> r_ladder ! Isolated expression. <to be read again> ; <*> r_ladder; ; . system > tex > error on line 73 in file test-mpfigures.tex: terminal: >> r_ladder ! Isolated expression. <to be read again> ; <*> r_ladder; ; ... 63 64 \startMPinclusions 65 def r_ladder := draw unitsquare; enddef; 66 \stopMPinclusions 67 68 \startstaticMPfigure{resistiveladder} 69 r_ladder; 70 \stopstaticMPfigure 71 72 \usestaticMPfigure[resistiveladder] 73 >> 74 \stoptext 75 <inserted text> ...0;;]===], [===[;;]===], false)} \meta_process_graphic ...!!es , \MPaskedfigure )}} \egroup \placeMPgraphic \m... \meta_handle_reusable_graphic ...cess_graphic {#3} }\setxvalue {\??mpgraphic ... \meta_use_graphic ...aphic \currentMPgraphicname } \empty \meta_end_graphic_g... <to be read again> \fi \dodoubleemptyonespaced #1#2->#1[{#2}][] ... l.73 And the start of the output, showing the version information: mtx-context | run 1: luatex --fmt="/var/lib/texmf/luatex-cache/context/f919750633122078d706dd10f1cfd39b/formats/cont-en" --lua="/var/lib/texmf/luatex-cache/context/f919750633122078d706dd10f1cfd39b/formats/cont-en.lui" --backend="pdf" "./test-mpfigures.tex" \stoptext This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.70.2-2012070301 (TeX Live 2012/Debian) \write18 enabled. (test-mpfigures.tex ConTeXt ver: 2012.05.30 11:26 MKIV fmt: 2013.4.11 int: english/english system > cont-new.mkiv loaded If you can think of further tests to run, I'll be happy to try them. -- -Sanjoy