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From: Wolfgang Schuster
Another interesting way is to use start-stop sections is as specified by rfc2629 [1]: \startsection is nestable, so that you can have
\startsection {first section}
\startsection {first subsection}
\startsection {second subsection}
which makes it easy to move things around, promote demote section levels, etc.
That would be really, really nice!
Hi, \startchapter \startsection ... \stopsection \stopchapter can be implemented by adding a few lines in the \definhead macros and should be the default method. Nested sections should be implemented in a module and shipped with the main files. Look in the attachment for a example, I wrote a few weeks ago. What we need is a specification what is needed (reporting for opening and closing sections in the log file) and support by Hans to include the macros. We should also collect other macros, that need a start/stop pair and provide patches how they can be integrated (can be done in the wiki). Wolfgang