At 02:14 PM 5/30/2005, Hans Hagen wrote:
Brooks Moses wrote:
happy with it. Part of my joy with it is because it's the first proper version-control software I've used (well, ok, I tried cvs once, but didn't get enough out of it to make it worth the bother), but it does work exceptionally well at doing what I need -- namely, providing a simple repository that I can use to synchronize working directories between various computers with a minimum of bother, allowing me to back up things with nearly zero trouble, and allowing me to occasionally revert things to previous versions.
do you have any experience with sychronizing two repositories?
Not as such, no, though if it would be valuable I could look into it and report back. What sort of synchronization, exactly, are you thinking of? The closest I've come to doing that was replicating my primary repository onto a local-disk repository, using that for a week or so while I was away from an internet connection, and then splitting off the new commits and feeding them onto the end of the primary repository. That turned out to be relatively straightforward in both directions, but it's a bit simpler than a general-purpose synchronization. - Brooks