Hi, I have just uploaded the archives for a new luatex release, 0.51.0. New features: * Various small manual improvements. * The backend message "cannot open Type 1 font file for reading" now reports which Type1 font it was looking for. * Fontforge clears some font names at loading time that will be refilled in at font generation time, but the fontloader should not do that. Patch from Khaled Hosny. * New synctex code imported from TeXLive. * luamd5/md5.h is renamed to luamd5/luamd5.h to avoid confusion. * Embedded mplib is now 1.209. * Some experimental tweaking of buildpage_filter, see the manual for details. * Luatex now detects kfreebsd (from Alan Braslau) * The new lua function tex.sp() converts a string to a number representing scaled points. * There is now support for revision numbers in the banner and stats library again. * The command line help and manual documentation page is extended. * node.hpack() now also accepts "cal_expand_ratio" and "subst_ex_font" modifiers. * node.hpack() and node.vpack() now give back the badness of the box as second return value. * node.copy_list() now allows a second (stop) argument, this stopper is not copied. * new lua functions in lfs: lfs.readlink() and lfs.shortname(). * new lua function tex.tprint() that can combine multiple catcode regime prints in one function call. * new lua sub-table: tex.nest[] (read/write access to the semantic nest state). * New lua functions in kpse: kpse.lookup() and kpse.version(). See the manual for more details. * New lua function tex.shipout(). Bug fixes: * There problems in the pdf output for Type3 (pk) fonts. * Fix a bug that allowed bad commandline quoting. * Fix a bug that sometimes caused crashes when \pdfprotrudechars. * The build script now exports CONFIG_SHELL to avoid problems with /bin/dash. * The was a bug in the generated /Image /ProcSet. * status.font_bytes reported the wrong value. * Lots of compiler warnings are removed (thanks Javier Mugica). * Patch to fontloader.info() to accept filenames with embedded parentheses. * Fix a \write error with docstrip package. * Fixed a crash on AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium.otf. * Fix coco stack overflows, needed for lpeg. * \pdfcompresslevel wasn't initialized for early immediate objects. * Fix for slanted fonts when HZ was on (slant angle was multiplied). * When concatenating content streams, put a space between them. * Allow pfb lines to end with \r as well as \n (for msam10.pfb). * Fix the internal string->scaled point conversion in the lua interface. * Memory leaks in the fontloader removed, thanks to patches from Elie Roux. * Fix a crash caused by the combination of coroutines and font.each(). Removed features: * Support for Type3 .pgc files (nobody used them). The archives can be downloaded from supelec as usual: http://foundry.supelec.fr/gf/project/luatex/ You could also check out the sources via anonymous svn: svn co http://foundry.supelec.fr/svn/luatex/tags/beta-0.51.0 Bugs and feature requests can be added to the issue tracker at http://tracker.luatex.org Have fun, Taco