Would it be possible to install (optionally perhaps) third party modules like t-letter and t-simplefonts also? Yeah, that should be doable. The Apple installer definitely supports packages with several (optional) components. ... I'll put it on the roadmap.
Great. Many thanks for that!
Well, you can. If you want these modules to be available to all local users of your Mac place the entire directory hierarchy of each module in the tree /usr/local/context/2009-06-11-beta/texmf- local. You'll need admin access though since /usr/local/context is a protected system directory.
I knew I need an installer. :-( I have downloaded the archive "t-simplefonts-2009.08.01.zip" from <http://modules.contextgarden.net/simplefonts
and placed this zip file in the place "/usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta/texmf-local" and switched to the terminal:
---Terminal Output--- titus:~ jh$ su admin Password: ******** bash-3.2$ cd /usr/local/context/2009-06-11-beta/texmf-local bash-3.2$ ls t-simplefonts-2009.08.01.zip bash-3.2$ sudo unzip t-simplefonts-2009.08.01.zip Password: ******** Archive: t-simplefonts-2009.08.01.zip creating: tex/ creating: tex/context/ creating: tex/context/third/ creating: tex/context/third/simplefonts/ ... bash-3.2$ ls doc t-simplefonts-2009.08.01.zip source tex bash-3.2$ sudo luatools --generate LuaTools | fileio: variable SELFAUTOLOC set to /usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta/texmf-osx-intel/bin LuaTools | fileio: variable SELFAUTODIR set to /usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta/texmf-osx-intel LuaTools | fileio: variable SELFAUTOPARENT set to /usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta LuaTools | fileio: variable TEXMFCNF set to {$SELFAUTODIR, $SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/share,}/texmf{-local,.local,}/web2c} LuaTools | fileio: loading configuration file /usr/local/context/ 2009-06-11-beta/texmf/web2c/texmfcnf.lua ..... Then I tried a simple test file after using "luatool --generate" on my non-admin account: titus:wech jh$ luatool --generate titus:wech jh$ context myriad.tex ... ... /2009-06-11-beta/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-otf.mkiv))) system : myriad.top loaded (myriad.top) fonts : preloading latin modern fonts bodyfont : 12pt rm is loaded language : language en is active system : module simplefonts loaded (/usr/local/context/2009-06-11-beta/texmf-local/tex/context/third/ simplefonts/t-simplefonts.tex loading : ConTeXt User Module / Simplefonts ! Undefined control sequence. l.707 \startprocesscommacommand [\simplefonts!weight] ? ---Terminal Output--- Well, it seems that your instructions did basically work, since the module simplefonts is loaded. But nevertheless the simple test file aborts and complains about " Undefined control sequence. l.707 \startprocesscommacommand[\simplefonts!weight]". Do you have an idea what went wrong on my side? The content of the file "myriad.tex" is just: \mainlanguage[de] \setuplayout[middle] % \definefontfeature[default][default][ % mode=node, % protrusion=quality, % expansion=quality, % onum=yes,pnum=yes] \usemodule[simplefonts] %[size=10pt] \setmainfont[Myriad Pro] % \setupbodyfont[ss,10pt] % % \setupinterlinespace[line=2.6ex] % % \definefont[big][Serif at .25\vsize] \starttext Nun denn. \stoptext The Myriad font is installed, see Screenshot "Schriftsammlung.pdf". Definitely a dump error on my side, but could you please give me a hint on how to proceed? It seems that I am really dependent on your installer... Many thanks again for your help and patience Best regards Joerg Hecke