Hans, I realized that the values for the /AFRelationship key that I provided in a previous message, are the ones defined for PDF-2.0 (Source, Data, Alternative, Supplement, EncryptedPayload, FormData, Schema or Unspecified). According to https://www.loc.gov/preservation/digital/formats/fdd/fdd000360.shtml, values for the /AFRelationShip key in PDF/A-3 are only: Source, Data, Alternative, Supplement, and Unspecified. If you allow me a suggestion, maybe it would be useful to have two new options in the \setupattachment command: relationship = source data alternative supplement unspecified association = document page The default values could be document and unspecified. The user should know what to do when changing these defaults. Of course, the /AF entry can be placed in other PDF objects, but document and page are enough options to start with. Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk