Hi Wolfgang, Am 14.02.2010 um 22:56 schrieb Jörg Hecke:
... I am trying to use your t-letter module. Thanks to your letter documentation and the examples (letter-examples.zip) from your web side I was able to set up the letter.
sorry for bothering you again. I am using your letter module, but it seems that I am not able to use a 2 column itemize environment? Minimal example: ---begin itemize_letter.tex--- \usemodule[letter] \definecolor [resumc] [r=.20, g=.40, b=.65] \enableregime[utf-8] % Sprache \mainlanguage[de] % Unterstützung für Farben \setupcolors[state=start] % Kopfzeile \setupletterstyle [head] [alternative=right, fromrule=top] \setupletterstyle [whitespace=medium, bodyfont=sans] \setupletter [alternative=d, list={phone,email,date,yourmail,yourref}, ] \setupletter [yourref,yourmail,myref,mymail,line,name,room,phone,fax,line,date,email] [titlestyle=\tfxx, separator=: ] \setupletter [phone=+49 543 210\,4561, yourmail=05. Februar 2010, yourref=B11r, email=hotzen@plotz.com, date=\currentdate] \setupletter [fromname=Jörg Hecke, fromaddress=Bei mir\\12345 zu Hause] \setupletter [toname=bei Dir, toaddress=Herr nicht Hier\\Krümelstr. 23 \\54321 bei Dir\\Germany] \startsetups letter:foot \rightaligned{Seite \correspagenumber\ von \numberofcorrespages} \stopsetups \starttext \startletter [subject=Verteiben der Position \quotation{nicht hier {\bf B11r} }, opening=Sehr geehrter Herr nicht Hier\textcomma, closing=Mit freundlichen Grüßen\crlf\crlf\crlf Jörg Hecke] \input{tufte} \startitemize[columns, two] \item solide wenn nicht noch mehr \item Emus zu verwalten \item Gnus verschiffen \item Herdenentwicklung \& Schafsdesign \item Wollwaschung \item Milchverkostung (intern \& extern) \item Präsentationen (intern \& extern) \item Hundeführung \stopitemize \dorecurse{3}{\input knuth\par} \stopletter \stoptext ---end itemize_letter.tex--- If I replace "\startitemize[columns, two]" with e.g. "\startitemize[packed], everything works fine. So, not all itemize features are supported, or am I doing (sigh! again) something terribly wrong? Thanks for your help or information. Best regards Jörg The output is: ➔ context itemize_letter.tex MTXrun | run 1: luatex --fmt="/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/b1c97208f21e2e812306e4f74f4bfba4/formats/cont-en" --lua="/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/b1c97208f21e2e812306e4f74f4bfba4/formats/cont-en.lui" --backend=pdf "./itemize_letter.tex" This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.50.0-2009122423 \write18 enabled. (itemize_letter.tex ConTeXt ver: 2010.01.26 18:39 MKIV fmt: 2010.1.27 int: english/english . . systems : begin file itemize_letter.tex at line 43 (/Users/jh/context_minimals/2010-01-27/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/sample/tufte.tex) ! Improper \prevdepth. \beginmulticolumns ...olumndepth {\the \prevdepth }\begingroup \leftskip 1\l... \complexstartcolumns ...nstrue \beginmulticolumns \fi \fi <argument> ...!balance =\v!yes , \c!align =\v!no ] \fi \fi \firstofoneargument #1->#1 \redostartitemgroup ... \c!align =\v!no ]\fi \fi } \ifconditional \fittinglis... \dostartitemgroup ... {\dodostartitemgroup [#2][]} \fi ... l.64 \stopletter ?