Patrick Gundlach wrote:
could someone send me testfiles for these fonts:
* the new lm * antykwa * iwona (?)
(I also heard for Iwona and Kurier for the first time when Hans posted me some code some time ago.)
Just some small context input to see if the fonts are working?
For lm at least the examples on http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Latin_Modern should work: \definedfont[ec-lmtk10]Demi\crlf \definedfont[ec-lmtko10]Demi Slanted\crlf \definedfont[ec-lmtl10]Light\crlf \definedfont[ec-lmtlo10]Light Slanted\crlf \definedfont[ec-lmtlc10]Light Condensed\crlf \definedfont[ec-lmtlco10]Light Condensed Slanted\crlf (and some more) For Antykwa: \usetypescript [antykwa-torunska] [\defaultencoding] \setupbodyfont [antykwa,rm] altough this may fail due to some name changes. Kurier: \definedfont[ec-kurierli]Light Italic\crlf \definedfont[ec-kurierlcap]Small Caps\crlf ... Sorry, I should give some better, more ConTeXt-oriented example (I have my copy-paste code at home), but you can test at least a subset of fonts this way - if this works, probably everything else will work as well. Mojca