On 6/23/06, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
How can I replace the following textext code to use sometxt?
\startMPpage numeric u ; u := 1cm ; for i = 0 upto 5: dotlabel.bot(textext("$X_{" & decimal(i+1) & "}"), (i*u,0)); endfor ; \stopMPpage
I don't know if there's any shortcut to it (textext seems to be easier to write in your case), but according to Hans's examples: \starttext \startTeXtexts \dostepwiserecurse{6}{1}{-1}{\TeXtext{\recurselevel}{$U_{\recurselevel}$}} \stopTeXtexts \startMPpage numeric u ; u := 1cm ; for i = 0 upto 5: dotlabel.bot(sometxt(i+1), (i*u,0)); endfor ; \stopMPpage \stoptext
Also is sometxt supposed to be a replacement for textext in the long run?
Left to Hans to answer ... I would say that textext won't disapper, but in the current implementation \sometxt might be ten times faster for lots of tables. Btw: try to use some complex math or double quotes inside textext. Mojca